Jay and Johnie from Dimension Comics will be out at Space Cadets on April 30th. We will be selling, signing, and talking about Severed Souls and The Journal. If you are a Houston area local, we hope to see you there.

This will be your first chance to get Issue #1 of the Journal publicly and we gave the LAST REMAINING issue #0s of The Journal to Space Cadets. That means once those few are gone, no one will ever have another chance to get it again.
Check out their Facebook post and learn what the secret word is to have them pull one out from behind the counter for you!
Be sure to check out the event details and we hope to see you there!
What if I cannot make it to Space Cadets?
Can you make it to Comicpalooza in July or Daycacom in May? Cause Dimension comics will be out at those as well.
No, I cannot make it to any of those either!
No problem, shoot us a line over at dimensioncomicsinfo@gmail.com and we can let you know how to get ahold of Severed Souls or The Journal.
One Last Thing... At Space Cadets on the 30th - We will have some prints of John Hawkins original art boards from The Journal Issue #1.